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Senior Portraits Kathryn Hyslop Senior Portraits Kathryn Hyslop

Oakland & North Shore Senior Portraits | Julianna

For Julianna’s senior portraits, we had to start with a classic and timeless location - the columns in Oakland. They are timeless for a reason, and a great start to celebrate Julianna’s last year of high school. We made a second stop across the street at Pitt campus to take advantage of the bold red doors and classic architecture.

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Senior Portraits Kathryn Hyslop Senior Portraits Kathryn Hyslop

Strip District & North Shore Senior Session | Leah

Leah chose some classic Pittsburgh locations for her senior portraits - the Strip, and the North Shore. You can’t go wrong with the bold colors and graffiti of the Strip, especially with the fun and trendy outfits she chose. We went a little dramatic and fashion-inspired with some of the lighting to really highlight her choices. I think she rocked it!

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Weddings Kathryn Hyslop Weddings Kathryn Hyslop

2019 Round Up | Wedding Night Shots

So, you guys know that I love sneaking out and taking some photos after dark. It adds drama, and is that ‘wow’ shot that can be a showstopper. Plus, it is something a little different and gives the newly married couple a moment alone during the busy wedding day. Here are the best of 2019.

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