The Craft Store Photo Challenge
The Craft Store Photo Challenge
Miya put a call out on her facebook page looking for a photographer to participate in this challenge, sometimes called the Hobby Lobby Challenge, or the Michael's Challenge. It has been all the rage lately, and I'm sure you've seen it done before. Michael's craft stores actually put out an announcement welcoming the influx of photographers & models to participate. We decided to go to Pat Catan's, simply because there is a Home Depot close by, and we wanted to try to take photos at a more difficult location as well!
The goal is to create beautiful portraits in unconventional places. We should have taken a few more behind the scenes photos to share so you could see the full scope of where we were! Miya and I took pictures in the floral section, by the yarn & fabric aisles, and at the paint, lighting, and gardening sections of Home Depot.
Where we were...
What we got...