Taking a Moment to be Grateful
Thanks for stopping by. This dreary Pittsburgh weather, combined with other depressing news (election - boo!) have had me feeling a little down-in-the-dumps lately - like a lot of people I'm sure. Times like this, along with working two full-time jobs, and lack of sleep, start to wear me down. Wedding season is picking up, and senior portraits sessions are just beginning to start. I'm beyond excited for it (seriously - so so excited!), but it can be exhausting at times.
Luckily, I have a wonderful support system that saves my sanity daily. Today I want to take a moment to be grateful for that. I couldn't do anything without my amazing husband. When my alarm went off this morning, I didn't want to open my eyes, let alone get up and ready for the day. But then I smelled coffee, and a homemade latte magically appeared in front of my eyes (or so it seemed). He kissed my head, and left for work.
Pictured: Jon putting up with me while I test new flash equipment...on a holiday.
Jon does this for me almost everyday. He always makes sure I have coffee (a necessity for me!) before he leaves the house - usually while I'm still in bed. Back when I first started this business, he let me put countless (unpaid) hours into it, helped me buy equipment, and believed in me, even when other people thought that it would just be a side gig - never a real job. He even models for me when I need someone to help me test new lighting/locations.
I'm sure that you have those people in your life too; the friends and family that are there for you no matter what, and support your dreams no matter how far out of reach they may seem. So today, take a moment to thank them for what they do. They probably don't even realize how much they help us, and how much those little gestures mean - like making coffee in the morning. Thank you!!!
Happy Friday,
PS: Drop me a note in the comments about your biggest supporters and the little things they do to help get you through!