House Update #1
House update #1
If you've been following my blog or my facebook page, you probably heard that my husband, Jon, and I just bought a house (with the help of our awesome realtor Vince Sullivano). Yesterday we passed the first month mark, so I felt like it was time for an update! You can check out the first announcement blog here.
We knew the house needed some love & care, but I don't think we realized quite what we were getting in to. The house is 95 years old, and it wasn't well kept. Every single room needed patched and painted, along with other minor projects. We did the majority of this work on our own, with the help of awesome friends & family.
The exterior needed work too. The very first thing we did was repair the roof, remove lots of overgrown landscaping, replace a retaining wall, and get new sidewalks poured (we outsourced all these things - the contractors are linked). This work is still in progress, so I'll share pictures during update number 2!
Today I want to share the first floor, and the den on the second floor. We've (almost) completed the living room, dining room, and entry way! Eventually we'll get around to painting the kitchen cabinets. Maybe next year.

I can't wait to share more with you soon! It has been slow going, since October is an extremely busy month for photographers, but we'll get there eventually. The next projects are finishing off my office (which is currently our catch-all room & closet; alllll the boxes are in there), and getting our bedroom finalized. I've heard that building Ikea furniture brings couples closer together.....right?
Talk soon!