Fall 2016 Update
Hi everyone!
I have exciting things to tell you! This season has been a whirlwind of weddings, seniors, and family shoots, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down (which I am so grateful for!). On top of all that craziness, my husband and I just bought our first home! Woohoo! We're in the process of doing some cleaning and renovations. The house is almost 100 years old, and it needs a little TLC.
Me & Jon taking our first selfie in front of the house.
Notice the falling down retaining wall and overgrown landscaping? Yep - lots of TLC.
So that is the main purpose for writing today! Most of you are friends with me on social media, so you probably already know. But for those of you who are new here, I just wanted to tell you why it may be taking a little longer for me to respond to emails, texts, and phone calls. I promise I care deeply about your shoot, and I WILL get back to you as soon as I put down the paint brush and check my phone. All shoots & weddings will be delivered on time, guaranteed; so don't worry about that!
Some people have asked for pictures along the way - and I have to tell you that I got too excited about the project, and forgot to take before pictures! Oops! So unfortunately, I won't have before pictures to share. Trust me, it wasn't a pretty sight. Hopefully the after pictures will more than make up for it!
That's all for now! I hope your autumn is going great!
PS: I am also starting to book Holiday Mini-Sessions! There are only a few spots open, so call me if you want one!